On September 11, 2024 at 7pm the Tampa Firefighters Museum, in conjunction with the Jobsite Theater, will be hosting a play entitled The Guys.

This play shares the compelling story of Nick, a New York City Fire Captain who lost most of his crew on 9-11. Nick finds himself with the unenviable task of writing eulogies for his lost crew mates. Nick is a firefighter, not a writer. He is helped by Joan, an editor who in the days following 9-11 was asking herself what every American was wondering, “what can I do to help?”

The ninety-minute play follows Joan and Nick as they memorialize The Guys; ordinary individuals who paid the ultimate price trying to save people caught in an extraordinary situation.

The play does not focus on 9-11, but rather the days following and beyond. The piece highlights on the spirit, compassion and humanity we all shared in the aftermath of the attacks.

Thanks for all the support - this event is SOLD OUT.